作者:Sarah Klenbort 翻譯:梁梁
When people notice my daughter and me signing in thestreet, they often stop and comment: “You know,” they say, “there's this thing called the cochlearimplant.” As if the mother of a deaf child could've missed that news.
Or they offer some hopeful anecdote: “I met this deaf woman with hearing aidsfrom Queensland when I was on holiday in Fiji and she'sa really good plumber – I mean really good.”
Because this week is National Week of Deaf People, I feelit's a good time totalk about the nature of Auslan (Australian Sign Language) and the deafcommunity. I've only been studying Auslan for fouryears, but I've come a long way from that firstcommunity course.
You see, I used to be one of you, one of those people whothought sign language followed English grammar. And I thought there was justone sign language – the same inevery country – though if I'dthought that through for more than a minute I would 'verealised those two assumptions were mutually exclusive.
I also used to assume all deaf people would prefer to behearing.
The deaf community is no utopia, but it does offer analternative language, culture and social life to those who choose to be a partof it. In fact, signed languages can do many things spoken languages can't. In fact, here's a list of ways in which visual languages are superior to thespoken word:
10. You can carry on a complex conversation in theloudest pub or club, while people all around you scream into each other's ears, trying to convey something assimple as, I'm going to the toilet now.
9.Visual languages are more accessible, not only forpeople who are fully deaf, but (in theory) for the 1 in 6 Australians who havea hearing loss.
8.You can ask your partner to pick up the mail from thebalcony when he's standing inthe parking lot, four floors down, without disturbing the neighbours.
7. You can talk underwater.
6. Storytelling is more engaging and detailed in visuallanguages. Because they are visual-spatial, signed languages are particularlyadept at describing space and movement.
5. You can talk through car windows. It's easy to give directions to a signingfriend driving behind or in front.
4. Deaf people who sign have been proven to be more “multilingual”.In a fascinating study lead by UK academic and researcher Sabaji Panda, it wasfound that if you put two deaf people in a room, who have no shared language,it's only a matter of hours before they find a way tocommunicate (imagine trying that with hearing people.) Because signed languages have shorter histories, theirgrammars typically share certain features, which means that even if two deafpeople have no common vocabulary, it takes short time before they can figureout a way to communicate.
4.研究表明,會手語的聾人更容易習得其他語言。英國學者Sabaji Panda先生曾做過一項特別有趣的研究,他發現如果你把兩個不懂彼此語言的聾人放在同一房間裡,他們只要花上幾小時就能開始聊天。(想想如果換做是聽人會是什麼情況)。因為手語歷史不長,不同語言的手語語法也會有很多共同點。這也就意味著如果兩個母語完全不同的聾人,只需要一些時間他們就想出交流的辦法。
3. You can critique a terriblelecture/performance/reading without anyone in the audience hearing you.
2. Unlike Esperanto, that failed international spokenlanguage, International Sign has taken off since the advent of social media.Deaf people often learn and use IS when they travel overseas, skype, and/orpresent at international deaf conferences and events.
1. A signed language, often referred to as the “natural language of the deaf”, offers deaf people a sense of belonging and a positive identity.
I can't speak for the deaf community – I'm not deaf – but I can share what I've learned from my daughter's experience.She speaks clearly, but she doesn't hear well. Sheloves Auslan and is proud of her deaf identity. What'smore of a loss for her than any hearing loss is the fact that she has so fewpeers to sign with; the majority of deaf children in Australia have no exposureto Auslan.
Auslan is not taught in government schools or earlyintervention programs.
Over 95% of deaf children are born to hearing parents,who are often told not to sign by medical professionals and speech therapists—they claim it will impede spokenlanguage development, though studies show the opposite is true. And my sixyear-old proved this in a speech competition last month. It feels appropriateto end with her words.
My daughter's art teacher recently asked her to paint what she most loved aboutherself. “What's that?” I asked.
“That I'm deaf!” shesaid as if I was stupid. “I painted myself signing.”
“沒有我們的同意,不要作關於我們的決定(nothing about us without us)”。