Rev. Don Holesapple, a Baptist preacher, tells the story on himself about the time he received a call from a woman who was quite upset over the death of her pet cat, Homer. She wanted the preacher to conduct the funeral service for Homer! Holesapple explained that this was a little out of his line and referred her to a friend, a Presbyterian pastor at a church down the street.

Later, Holesapple learned that the Presbyterian preacher had referred her to a Methodist minister, who had referred her to someone else. About an hour later, she called Holesapple back, still upset. The woman said she was at her wit's end, couldn't find a preacher to conduct Homer's services, and didn't know what to do.


She said she planned to give one thousand dollars to the church of the minister who performed this service for Homer. Holesapple said it took him only a moment to mull this over, and then he said to her, "Well, why didn't you tell me Homer was a Baptist cat in the first place?!"






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