reeting! I would like to introduce myself to you all. My name is Hua Qian. I am from Shanghai, China. I’ve been living in Australia for 8 years.
From 1995 to 2000: I attend to the secondary department at the high school, called VCD (Victorian College for the Deaf www.vcd.vic.edu.au) in Melbourne.
From 2001 to 2002: I was offered to go studying with some Wesley College hearing students in Victoria Certificate of Education (VCE) for two years:
Year 11 VCE subjects: English, Mathematical Method, Information Technology and Visual Communication & Design.
Year 12 VCE subjects: English, Mathematical Method, Visual Communication & Design, Visual Art (Photography) and AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language).
From 2003 to present: After VCE graduation, I directly got into the course: Bachelor of Applied Science in Geomatics at RMIT university (Royal Melbourne Institution Technology of University www.rmit.edu.au) in the Melbourne City.
錢樺, 出生在中國上海,現在澳大利亞墨爾本生活, 學習.
1988年在虹口聾啞學校讀書,1995年轉去澳大利亞。1995年 到2000年,在墨爾本維多利亞聾人學院 (Victorian College for the Deaf) 的學習 www.vcd.vic.edu.au
從2001 年到2002年, 在維斯利亞院(Wesley College) 學習維多利亞高中會考證書 (Victoria Certificate of Education) 的課程.
從2003 年到 今, 在墨爾本皇家理工大學 (RMIT - Royal Melbourne Institution of Technology University www.rmit.edu.au ) 學習地理資訊工程 (Geomatics), 四年學習完畢後,將被授於應用科學的學士學位。
Meet my deaf friends from Shanghai in Australia:
錢樺和胡曉珠三年沒見面. 這次她好友小胡從奧地利飛來澳大利亞來墨爾本,觀看聾人奧動會.並自願當志願者
錢樺在通過維多利亞高中會考證書 學生中,是一位最刻苦努力學習的學生. 因為英語是她第二語言.