One June 13, 2006, Maricopa County Recorder, Helen Purcell, made it easier for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to come to any of her three offices for elections assistance. The use of Deaf Link is an election first in the United States. Deaf Link, Inc. is a San Antonio based company providing American Sign Language (ASL) translation services via video conferencing. Purcell pointed out that no longer do the Deaf and Hard of Hearing have to wait for election translation services. A simple click on the Deaf Link icon connects the service, and a translator appears on the screen to instantly provide interpretation.

The County Recorder has arranged to provide access to this service for other Maricopa County departments. “We see this service being utilized throughout the county, not just for elections, but for other departmental assistance.


 Maricopa County Recorder announces Deaf Link service for Deaf and Hard of Hearing




Edward Kinal, from the Arizona Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, communicates with the Deaf Link translator at the Elections Department on June 13, 2006.




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